Friday, October 30, 2009

Reflection 7

This week, I had the opportunity to teach a 20 minute lesson! Initially I worried myself; that is longer than I've ever taught before (besides a Relief Society lesson). Then I realized that in just one year when I student teach, I'll be teaching that much times 3 (for one class), times 6 (periods in a day), times 5 (days in a week), times 30 (days in a month), times.. much more. So, I better get used to it. It turned out, however, to be the most fun experience I've ever had teaching. I really enjoyed preparing things, but even more so, reacting to how the class was going.

For example - I wasn't sure anybody would be really opposed to being green, but one student was! I was pretty positive nobody would be, so I wasn't exactly sure how to respond. These are his opinions and who am I to tell him they are wrong? It was a tough spot, but I think I handled it smoothly. I made references to him throughout the class, because I thought that would keep things light. After, though, I wondered if I had been a little hard. I didn't receive any feedback on that particular area, so I guess I was okay in doing it that way.

The feedback was really interesting. Surprisingly I'm a quiet person - who would have guessed that one
To be honest, I'm surprised at how calm and comfortable I feel when I'm teaching. I feel like I speak loudest and most confidently when I am teaching a class. I really didn't think I was being quiet, but on a few of the feedback responses I received, my peers mentioned that I was. "But it works," they said. I'm not sure then if I should work on that. Would that be better? Probably not if it isn't my personality.

Some feedback was really flattering. One student said, "I'm trying, but I really can't find anything wrong to say about the presentation. Really really good."
Now if all my students could have their exact personality... I'd do okay haha.

The most helpful feedback was the fact I'm a double pocketer, something I do only when I'm teaching I think. Also, no closure. I really didn't have time to do everything I prepared as a closing, but thinking back, there should be more closure and summing up during the teaching too. Also - I need to work on assessing the students. I feel that discussion is appropriate for that, and also when I asked Johny how he felt about it, I was pinpointing maybe the student that would pay attention the least, and finding out how he was doing during the class. But, no real assessment. That I really need to work on.

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